Why the Rush?
Rush has transformed the world’s oldest trusted currency into the newest, enabling you to own real gold, and spend it, gift it, grow it, trade it, exchange it…
Bitcoin price prediction: Cryptocurrency could reach $188,000 as Millennials invest
Bitcoin could keep rising to astronomical figures and be the next safe-haven asset to rival gold, according to JPMorgan.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & bring on 2021!
Thank You to those companies who have supported Australian FinTech this year and who will continue to support us in 2021. Merry Christmas and bring on 2021!
Price of Bitcoin reaches all-time high in 2020
The price of Bitcoin has grown four times from nearly US$5,000 in March 2020 to an all-time high of over US$20,000 in December 2020.
Australian fintech ecosystem continues to grow: KPMG Fintech Landscape 2020
The past year has been a bumper one for Australia’s fintech startup eco-system according to the KPMG Fintech Landscape 2020.
Blockchain Australia Solutions announces collaboration with fintech startup Mudrex
Blockchain solutions company Blockchain Australia Solutions has declared collaboration with crypto trading platform Mudrex.
Australian FinTech: Worth its weight in gold
As the Australian FinTech sector’s first minister, Senator Jane Hume has been struck by how the ecosystem has continued to grow over the past year.
ESET investigates Australians’ attitudes to financial technology
New research from ESET highlights Australian attitudes towards financial technology and cybersecurity.