Aussie cryptocurrency owners making a profit from their crypto investments
More than three-quarters of Aussie cryptocurrency holders made a profit from their crypto investments over the last year, a survey shows.
New retail investors go digital
The latest Investment Trends 2021 1H Australia Online Investing Report showed the number of online retail investors is up 35% year on year to May 2021.
SelfWealth to add Crypto Trading to its popular platform
SelfWealth said retail investors would be able to buy and sell popular cryptocurrencies in real-time while also trading US equities and Australian shares.
Millions of Australians trading cryptocurrency on their phones
Millions of Aussies are trading cryptocurrency from their phones with many believing that bitcoin will become a currency that can be spent in everyday life.
40% of Australians intend to buy cryptocurrency in 2021: Savvy
According to a new survey by Savvy, 40% of Australians are willing to convert their paper money into something digital during 2021.
Bitcoin’s better half: Growing number of Australian women investing in crypto
The proportion of Australian women who own cryptocurrency in 2021 has jumped from 7% in January to 11% in June.
Millennials plough their savings into cryptocurrency
Millennials are leading the charge in cryptocurrency investing, piling their savings into bitcoin and other digital currencies in ever-growing numbers.
How to buy cryptocurrency in Australia: the platforms to trade on
Some of the popular platforms to buy cryptocurrency in Australia include Digital Surge, CoinSpot and CoinJar, with many more platforms available.