Jess Renden appointed CEO of crypto exchange Cointree
Jess Renden has been appointed as the new CEO of Australian crypto exchange Cointree, becoming the first woman to lead the exchange.
Earn rewards on your crypto portfolio and SMSF with Digital Surge
Crypto exchange Digital Surge has just launched a new Earn feature, allowing Australians to earn rewards on their crypto portfolio and SMSF.
Koinly and Cointree announce partnership and industry-first functionality
Koinly and Australian crypto exchange Cointree have announced a partnership to make doing crypto taxes easier than ever.
Caleb & Brown launch new website and brand refresh
Caleb & Brown, the world’s leading cryptocurrency brokerage, has just launched its brand refresh and new website.
Crypto assets should be regulated like their non-crypto equivalents: Financial Planning Association of Australia
The Financial Planning Association of Australia supports a regulatory framework for crypto assets provided it’s consistent with non-crypto versions.
The race is now on globally for crypto regulation and Australia risks being left behind
If we put too many barriers in place for people to use crypto, we will lose any competitive advantage to the European models.
CryptoSpend in growth mode
Cryptospend, who launched the Australian-first visa-back crypto spending card, have just launched their first national advertising campaign.
Crypto, NFTs and Web3: Digital assets are hot in Australia, so how can businesses get on board?
So why are digital assets so hot, and how can Australian businesses jump on board?